
Falling Face First Into the Mud

I am so very thankful for all the encouragement and helpful advice I received yesterday after launching this site on Facebook. Talking with a beloved friend last night, we realized something. This blog may appear like I have a wonderful life and, believe me, I am beyond grateful for it, but it is NOT PERFECT, my friends! I do a spectacular face plant into the mud at least once a quarter and sometimes every 28 days:) One of my hardest challenges has been letting go of these dear, wonderful, young adults that Linc and I have raised all these years and who do NOT always do exactly what I think is best for them! I seem to be able to pick myself up, dust off, and keep trying, usually after finally laughing about it all. Also, in Aug 2016, in desperation and unable to sleep one night, I signed up to take an MBSR (mindful based stress reduction) class. The class was given at the Copper Beech Institute in West Hartford, CT and it was wonderful.

On the hard days, just hold on Dear ones. Know that you are like the deep depths of a beautiful body of water… peace filled underneath even as the surface is sometimes broiling with wind whipping up some white caps. Just watch the storm pass on through.. Because it will … this too shall pass. Phone a friend, go for a walk, make yourself some comfort food, try doing something nice for someone else, and try to watch your mind… Is it running over the stories of the past or worrying about the future? See if you can tether your mind to the right here and now. Just watch this single breath.. Filling up, emptying out.  Ask yourself what is your attitude toward this tiny little moment right now? Usually this moment is bearable and we can make it a bit more friendly by lighting a candle, placing a flower in vase, making a cup of tea, or taking a walk.

And remember, in this digital/ social media age, everyone usually posts only that which brings them joy. People are beautiful and shine so brightly. They look as if they have it all figured out but I think we all have these mud days. Out of our hardest challenge comes our biggest growth.

Eckhart Tolle says, “The World of form is not here to make you happy but to wake you up to what you are underneath.

The world is getting better in so many ways. We are encouraged to all be ourselves instead of having to conform to society. Decades ago, I would have been locked up to be this quirky:)

If all else fails, I recommend a theme song:)  Mine is “I Have Confidence” from the Sound of Music. It is a riot and especially helpful when you are a little nervous on a ski mountain and when trying to launch a trinity of twenty somethings.  


  Miraculous weeds that grow out of the mucky mud of the pond


  • Barbara Muchler

    Caroline a great and inspiring message. A realistic focus on the storms of life and dreams. Every day
    brings it’s own challenges and blessings to be able to separate the emotions, and the hardships in our
    hearts is the “key” to successful living. Before we can begin to focus on our needs and joyful wants, faith
    becomes the most important thing for every thought, breath and prayer. For ourselves and all others in our
    world. Finding that peace that surpasses all understanding and communing with the Spirit of God will
    keep our minds focused, and our hearts in one total human and spiritual being. Press on my dear friend!


    • Care

      Now let’s make it super funny! Loving, enlightened, and funny that is what gets us through my beloved friend!