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    Good posture can make you look 10 years younger

        I LOVE good posture. Our Moms were right! But perfect posture doesn’t just look good; it ensures that we are placing the least amount of wear and tear on ALL our joints. Good posture is easy to assess: Can you stand with your back and the back of your head up against the wall? Your lumbar spine naturally curves out away from the wall, keep it just like that and pull your abdominals in, as if you were putting a tight pair of jeans on and trying to keep your belly from getting pinched by the zipper! Hold for 1 min/ day to increase your postural alignment  and…

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    Falling Face First Into the Mud

    I am so very thankful for all the encouragement and helpful advice I received yesterday after launching this site on Facebook. Talking with a beloved friend last night, we realized something. This blog may appear like I have a wonderful life and, believe me, I am beyond grateful for it, but it is NOT PERFECT, my friends! I do a spectacular face plant into the mud at least once a quarter and sometimes every 28 days:) One of my hardest challenges has been letting go of these dear, wonderful, young adults that Linc and I have raised all these years and who do NOT always do exactly what I think…

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    World Peace begins in the Kitchen. ~Roam, a gift store in Jackson Hole Wyoming                                                                                  Nutrition is a HUGE subject both in amount of literature and the vast impact what we eat has on our physical health and radiant well being. I can make it very simple for you! Just follow my Abuelo’s advice, Dr. Jaime Benavides, a general practitioner in Costa Rica, “Eat everything God made in moderation.” In other words, if it is natural and real food you can eat it. Eat butter and olive oil rather than margarine. Eat grass fed steak rather than some chemically processed “healthy” premade dinner or veggie burger. The fewer ingredients your…

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    A Light Aside

    “The deepest happiness is made of the smallest things” ~Friedrich Nietzsche Mindfulness is training our attention to concentrate on the Here and Now. It is learning to quiet our minds from its constant chatter; thinking about the past or wondering about the future. To practice watching the mind might be the greatest gift we can give ourselves. People who meditate have been shown in studies to be happier, more resilient, and less prone to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and heart disease. Wow! Here is a quick, easy and beautiful way to begin… Sit outside. Sun shining on one side of you. Concentrate only on getting the sun to shine…

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