
You Are The Light Of The World

Go. Be. Love. The World Needs You    ~ Susan Branch

Christmas Tree in the Light of Dawn

Merry December Dear ones!! To your health and well being!

     My dear friend told me that everytime we see a sparkle or a light, to let its beauty remind us to come back to our real selves. Who we really are is no less than THE LIGHT OF GOD. Every religion and all wisdom tells us that we were created in the image and likeness of the creative Source. We are all truly God’s sons and daughters! Jesus was one of the enlightened ones who KNEW his true essence with every cell of his being, along with the Budda, The Dali Lamma, Mohamed, and Krishna too. (Imagine their radiant friendships!) My Abuelita, for whom Catholicism resonated so beautifully, taught me this years ago. She ticked off the World’s religions on the fingers of her right hand, while she listed them, “ Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism”, then she folded all her fingers together into a united fist and said, “It is all the same one thing.”  This is actually the good news; We are ALL divine sisters and brothers. We share the same biology and the same planet. We come from the same source.

 We come, spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust. ~Rumi  

    The holidays of light are universal and all around this time of year. Lights from Christmas trees, menorahs and Kwanza twinkle together. They are beautiful reminders to smile and just BE, even in this time of great busyness. Take one deep, loving, connected breath, knowing who you actually are. Light a candle while you do the dishes. This is my wish for all of us on Earth. 

My sister took this gorgeous picture of the light of the World.