
Younger than last year

 Taking stock as 2020 begins, I do feel healthier than last year! I think for 2 main reasons that I can quickly share with you. 

#1. The Tummy team. 

I took an online course last year before my hernia surgery. It only cost 90$ and it has changed my core strength and now I find myself sharing it with most of my patients. In summary, participants learn to activate their transverse abdominus muscle, which is our God given girdle. It is a powerful way to relieve back and neck pain, even knees and hips have responded. Having a stronger core certainly improves balance. Go to Tummyteam.com. The pre abdominal surgery course is the one I took. You can also read what I wrote about it all in the Happiest Hernia Month blog post from March of 2019.

                                Number two big health improvement of 2019 is a bit embarassing! But time to confess! ”There is fungus amoung us” Who said that? I’m not sure, possibly my sister. Last year I had some slightly opaque toe nails. I asked my sister (a physician’s assistant) what to do….She said there is NO HOPE! I think she was kidding around when she said I could have the toe nails REMOVED and try to grow them again after treatment but that nothing really works. Ha ha very funny! I went on line and the first internet “scam” seemed good to me. I ordered it with very little hope, as my hopes had been crushed:) and it actually worked miracles! Pure Nails Pro is a 1x/day probiotic capsule and also came with an essential oil blend to put directly on the nails. Very quickly I could see healthy, pink, young looking toe nails growing! How wonderful! I called to tell my sister that she could stop pulling out her patients’ toe nails; this stuff is much kinder:) AND added bonus, we think it solved my very cracked heels too! Their phone number is (844) 824-3628, I had trouble finding them on the internet to order the product and had more success calling. My kids would laugh themselves silly over that. My tech skills are always the cause of much hilarity and a little eye rolling for them.

I want this blog to be a place for the ANTI anti aging. I’m not concerned with how I look, necessarily. I believe aging brings with it the loveliness of smile lines and translucent skin. I just want us all to FEEL the best we have ever felt and to be physically able to live the gorgeous lives we want to live, with more time doing the things we love to do and less time at the doctor’s office.

Let me know your own feel good tricks and finds in the comments, kindred spirits; We are all in this beautiful Life together!

Never go faster than your guardian angels can fly and always wear your helmet
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