
Adding to the ancient wisdom

Hello Dear ones!! My blog helpers, Ellie and Anna are home from their summer travels to Sweden and Peru! I was pretty technologically pathetic without them, so I gave myself a break.


Well! I either have more energy in the summer or the 5 Tibetans on the dock are allowing energy to flood in! I realized I have added onto this ancient system. Don’t know if that is a good thing but I couldn’t hold out on you all ~ fellow questers for best and beautiful health.


I split the 21 downward dogs into 3 groups of 7 repetitions….

After the first set of 7 downward dogs, I put my L leg way up in the air behind me into needle pose…just because it is fun:)   I swoop the L leg through into warrior 2 front lunge. Warrior 2 is wonderful for building quad strength on the forward leg and for great stretching on the achilles tendon and  gastroc muscle on the back leg. Make sure your shoulders are away from your ears and your front knee is bending over your 2nd toe. I love the symbolism of Warrior 2 … strong, forward looking, and patient.  In this pose, it feels like we are able to cultivate any trait or blessing we ask for. Smile. You’ve got this living thing down!

After warrior 2, I swoop my left arm up, over my head and arch back looking into the dome of the sky… this is called Surrendered warrior and again, I am  melted by the symbolism….Yes, the pose says, we are strong and balanced but also we have surrendered to the Now, to this very precious moment, surrendered to Life. Physically..Wow we are gaining balance! This is challenging for me; It will be very funny if someday I land up falling into the pond!

After surrendered warrior,  I drop my right knee, (this is my back knee) to the dock. Use a pillow if your knee is sore.  I steady myself with one hand and use the other hand to reach back and pull my right ankle up, flexing my knee and getting a deep hip flexor stretch. One of the best stretches for our hip flexors and the latest research is showing we really need to stretch these guys out!  

I do the next 7 downward dogs, and repeat the whole sequence on the opposite side.


I finish with the last set of 7 downward dogs.


Has anyone else been doing yoga to really inspiring music? I love it! Makes me feel like flying lift off and is quite a thrill. Find the music that inspires you and use it. It has made my practice more joyful and fun.  Some of my favorites are The Dawn and the Sky, by Celtic Women..Thank you to Mary Beth Griffith and the Griffith Academy. Also This is Me, which is one of my dear friend’s theme song, and Glorious by Macklemore (Thank you to Anna).  Let me know if you find a favorite!


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