
Ode to Tea

Ah…The comfort of a hot cup of tea!

“You can never get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

                                                                     ~C.S. Lewis

We are in love with tea over here. But did you know that the hot tea bag, once removed from the cup, also has the ability to comfort and heal our aches and pains?

Every morning when my tea bag is done with its job of steeping a wonderful cup of tea and smelling faintly of flowers (be still my heart!) I do a quick body scan…. Run my attention over my body, Toes to head…. anything hurting?

Put the warm tea bag on the sore spot, keep it there with an ace wrap, or simply hold it in place and walk around your kitchen. Tea is an anti inflammatory. Good bye pain. This works for sinus pressure too!

Another tea tip… don’t buy decaffeinated tea bags. Buy real tea and use the water decaf method that my mother in law taught me. It works and is much healthier for you than the chemicals used to decaffeinate your tea in the processing plant. Pour a little amount of boiling water onto the tea bag, just enough to cover it. Swish it around for 1 sec: 99% of the caffeine comes out in that first flush of tea. Dump that out, use the same tea bag and wha la! Healthy decaffeinated tea:) I promise you, you can’t tell the difference in taste. Caffeine inhibits or weakens the muscles of your pelvic floor. Decaffeinating your tea and doing Kegel’s exercises can cure urinary incontinence.

Take a look at my favorite tea mug! It’s made by Susan Branch and reminds me daily to dream of a future trip walking along the foot paths of England.

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