
Easy Exercise Formula

The research is pretty simple and clear about  the best formula to stem the tide of outgoing muscle strength in 50-105 year olds.

  1. Do 20 min. aerobic exercise everyday… Preferably something that you LOVE. There is a big difference  between taking a walk every day because you LOVE it and taking a walk because you have to! Emotions actually cause chemical changes in each one of our tiny cells! Powerful stuff! So think JOY…. Dance class, hiking, skiing, running, walking, swimming. What physical activity makes you happy? Don’t say sitting on the couch:) That just means you need to do some exploring… Zumba, Tennis, Tai chi, Yoga. Think FUN! For me it is a daily walk on the farm across from our house and hiking on the weekends.
  2. Lift weights 2 x /week… Hand weights at home, in a strength and balance class, or at the gym, whatever floats your boat. I count my Pilates class because muscles are straining against resistance. We need this to prevent muscles from atrophying.  
  3. Bonus material… a couple of exercises you do every day… a PT can help to gear this specifically for your body, but everyone will benefit from standing with your back up against the wall for 1 min every day.  Put your back and the back of your head up against the wall, pull your abdominals in (as if you were zipping up a pair of pants that is slightly too tight and you suck in your abs to keep them away from the zipper!) It might just be the longest minute of your day and the most beneficial!   
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