

World Peace begins in the Kitchen. ~Roam, a gift store in Jackson Hole Wyoming


Nutrition is a HUGE subject both in amount of literature and the vast impact what we eat has on our physical health and radiant well being. I can make it very simple for you!

Just follow my Abuelo’s advice, Dr. Jaime Benavides, a general practitioner in Costa Rica, “Eat everything God made in moderation.” In other words, if it is natural and real food you can eat it. Eat butter and olive oil rather than margarine. Eat grass fed steak rather than some chemically processed “healthy” premade dinner or veggie burger. The fewer ingredients your food has the better. Make your salad dressing with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, salt and pepper rather than using bottled dressing. Opt for iced tea, not diet soda.

The more colorful your food is the more nutritious it is. Picture the different beautiful colors in a salad or stir fry.

Avoid processed sugar and flour… opt for breads made with whole grains, opt for raw honey, molasses, or agave (cactus nectar) for sweeteners.

If you need books to guide you, The Cruise Control Diet, and Real 30 are good “diets” that aren’t diets, they are lifestyle changes and both are very wise. Also The Healthiest Meals on Earth has some very good recipes.

Savor every mouthful. Eating something that you are craving isn’t a disaster, it’s good for the soul. Just eat it at tea time at 4:00pm:)

“Bon Appetit!” ~Julia Child


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